1 day left to save the Lakes!

I came across this campaign and felt that I must spread the word. I realise these things are never black and white so please make your own decision, and quickly. They have just 1 day!On 30 January 2013 the executives of Cumbria, Allerdale and Copeland County Councils will vote on whether to continue with Government plans to build an underground nuclear dump in the Lake District of up to 25km square. Scientists from the Government’s Nirex investigation in the 1990s onwards have made it categorically clear that an underground nuclear depository is not safe in mountainous areas of high waterfall where radioactive waste is likely to leak into the water table, where the geology is unstable as in the whole of the Lake District region, with multiple cracks through which radioactive material could escape. There is no scientific evidence that an underground nuclear repository would be safe anywhere, and yet the Government is continuing with its plans to bury waste anywhere people can be persuaded to take it.  Voting No would force the Government to take a more responsible attitude in its plans for nuclear expansion – burying the waste out of sight is not the safe answer to this dilemma.http://mariannewildart.wordpress.com/2012/10/12/truth-to-power-no-nuke-dump/http://www.davidsmythe.org/nuclear/documents.htmhttp://www.greenpeace.org/eu-unit/en/Publications/2010/rock-solid-a-scientific-review/If you need to take action please sign the petition to the leader of Copeland County Council on 38 Degrees 'No Nuclear Dump in the Lake District'http://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/no-nuclear-dump-in-the-lake-districtThere is a facebook group and page dedicated to spreading the word. Show your support and tell your friends. https://www.facebook.com/groups/radiationfreelakeland - https://www.facebook.com/3WeeksToSaveTheLakes?fref=ts

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