CO2 and Net
Zero Services
AGF provides carbon footprint and Net Zero consulting to help you understand, quantify, and reduce your carbon emissions.
Why this is important
The UN Paris Agreement has highlighted the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in an effort to limit the global average temperature increase to 1.5c. To achieve this, countries, cities, companies and organisations must achieve a state of Net Zero* by 2050 or earlier.
Understanding the amount of GHG emitted as a result of your activities or the events you organise will enable you to measure your own impact and impact across the supply chain, identify key areas for improvement, and develop long term Net Zero and emissions reduction strategies.
*Net Zero: a state where all of the GHG emissions resulting from one’s activities have been reduced to as close to zero as possible, and any remaining emissions re-absorbed from the atmosphere through carbon removals (United Nations Climate Action Net Zero Coalition)

• Carbon Footprint Baseline for whole events, including Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions
• Third party verification of Carbon Neutral, Climate Positive, or Net Zero targets
• Emissions reduction and mitigation strategies and advice
• Sustainable and low carbon supplier or product identification
• Recommendations and preferential access for robust carbon removals for residual emissions.
• Carbon Footprint Baseline for whole organisations including Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions
• Product Carbon Footprint
• Net Zero strategies
• Science-Based Targets and KPIs
• Identification of low carbon products or circular solutions
• Third party verification of Carbon Neutral, Climate Positive, or Net Zero targets
• Recommendations and preferential access for robust carbon removals for residual emissions
• AGF follows the GHG Protocol Standards for carbon accounting.