Add pedal power to your show!

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The Electric Pedals team are artists, physicists, educationalists, eco-warriors and all round tea lovers, and there's only two of them.  Colin Tonks and Tim Siddall are adventuring in the world of pedal-power, producing a variety of installations to illustrate how much electricity is required to power even the smallest household goods.  But better than that, they're having fun and entertaining crowds at the same time.  They have mastered the humble kettle with their pedal-powered tea stall, created a number of bespoke and dazzling light installations at music festivals around the UK and most recently tested their science by generating electricity for an entire house with the pedaling legs of 80 semi-pro cyclists.  This last experiment 'The Human Power Station' was televised on BBC1's 'Bang Goes The Theory' in December 2009.Other Electric Pedals specialisms include developing pedal-powered music stages and outdoor cinema screens, if the audience wants to see what happens next they have to keep pedaling!To view their portfolio of work visit:  www.electricpedals.comIf you're interested in discussing installations, stalls or educational opportunities please contact the team at[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]


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