AGF Festivals Unite to Inspire A Greener Return

In lieu of visiting and assessing over 50 festivals globally for the Greener Festival Award in Northern Hemisphere's summer 2020, we have created a platform for AGF Award winning festivals to connect and share with the purpose of finding inspiring and innovative ways to make positive lasting changes to event sustainability, and to reduce or eliminate any negative environmental impacts that may be presented as a result of the Covid-19 response.Meetings are held bi-weekly with attendance from festivals from around the globe, including representatives from Wonderfruit (TH), Glastonbury Festival (UK), Sziget Festival (HU) and Boom Festival (PT). A number of subgroups have been established to allow deep diving into various topics including:

  • Plastics (PPE, Reusables, waste impacts)
  • Water & Sanitation
  • Travel & Transport
  • Food and Beverage
  • Artist Bookings / Local Talent
  • Procurements / Site design and decor
  • Diversity & Equality
  • New Business Models
  • Sustainable Festival Narrative

As well as feedback from the work of the subgroups, experts across the various topics addressed are invited to meet and share with the group. The aim is to stay on top of new information and to develop and share best practice to maintain and enhance greener festivals going forwards.The group is open to AGF Award winners, Award applicants and Festival Members.If you are interested to join or contribute please get in touch"Now more than ever it is important to get together and create the path into a more sustainable and positive future. In a time of crisis, when all our events are on hold and postponed, we have to use our time, knowledge and creativity to prepare for the most sustainable restart possible. What better place to do this than in a group of like-minded and forward thinking people and that's what the AGF winners are." Holger Jan Schmidt, GO Group / Das Fest (DE)"In the unexpected context of the Covid-19 nightmare for events everywhere, the AGF festival group is a welcome source of support and solidarity as we navigate pathways forward for events. As an international grouping, it's really interesting to learn about practices and possibilities with events from a range of countries with varied legislative and sustainable policy contexts. And a return to a focus on the hitherto positive advances of improved sustainability at events and the many associated Green issues by this supportive and positive group.” Steve Muggeridge, Green Gathering Director (UK)"Sharing professional experiences and skills has always been at the heart of Paradise City festival's decisions. As a society, we need to come better out of this Covid-19 crisis and what better way than to unite with other festivals to think about a brighter sustainable future. It is clear, we are all connected: sharing experiences and solidarity are essential to find innovative ways to reduce any negative environmental impact still generated by large scale events. We truly hope that festivals can be inspiring in bringing a positive change in the way we imagine and build sustainable events and face future challenges" Pauline Lavagne, Paradise City (BE)“From BNP Argentina we are convinced of the growing transforming force of the AGF community. The work we have been doing together with colleagues from all over the world teaches us to teach, inspires us to inspire and motivates us to motivate. Crises are opportunities and from the workspace within AGF, we do not plan to miss them.Miki Aballay, sustainability manager of Buenas Noches Producciones, Argentina. 


AGF Accredit Falmouth University "Sustainable Festival Management" Degree

