AGF talk Sustainability at Prolight+Sound, Frankfurt

AGF Head of A Greener Tour, Jamal Chalabi, spoke at the Prolight+Sound conference in Frankfurt this month.The event showcases the latest technology for Light, Audio, Stage, Media + Events, with 457 companies from 34 countries presenting innovative solutions for spectacular events, impressive productions and outstanding visitor experiences.In the expert panel "Action Speaks Louder Than Words – Putting Sustainability into Practice", Jamal joined representatives from Die Deutsche Theatertechnische Gesellschaft (DTHG) and Isla to discuss how the event industry can become more sustainable.With an emphasis on the urgency of taking immediate action, the panel provided advice on how to start or advance sustainability practices through certification, training, calculating emissions, and carbon reduction strategies. 


A Greener Festival: The How-To Guide For Organisers


Industry Report on Sustainable Waste Management + Call to Action