Brixton Low Carbon Zone

source: lambeth websiteBrixton has been selected as one of ten Low Carbon Zones across London. This is an initiative set up by the Mayor of London and aims to help communities reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 20.12% in time for the 2012 Olympics.go to the Greater London Authority's webpage for more information on the schemedownload a map of the Brixton Low Carbon Zone.We hope that every home, business, school and community within the zone will benefit from being part of this scheme, living more sustainably and reducing their carbon footprint.Make the PACTPersonal Allowance Carbon Trading (PACT) is a pilot project to engage residents to reduce their carbon footprint and generate funding for local community groups. Go to the PACT page for more information.Living in the Low Carbon ZoneResidents in the zone will benefit from our network of Green Doctors and Waste Prevention Advisers who will carry out home visits giving advice. These visits will:help you find out how to make your home more energy efficientprovide you with energy saving productshelp you reduce the amount of waste your home generates.Working in the Low Carbon ZoneBusinesses will have access to our advice service, which will help them to operate more efficiently by reducing costs on:energytransportwaste.Community groups and organisationsWe have appointed a part-time Green Community Champions officer to work in the Low Carbon Zone. They will support local groups and help them set up new projects.We will also be running workshops and training sessions from the newly refurbished Green Man offering educational opportunities for the community.Would like to become a Green Community Champion?Go to our Green Community Champion page to find out more about the scheme.EventsTo get the Brixton Low Carbon Zone off to a great start we held a launch party on Saturday 20 March at the Loughborough Centre. Everyone who came along enjoyed a lively atmosphere, eating free local food and finding out about some of the projects happening within the zone.We will be holding more events as the Brixton Low Carbon Zone develops, so continue to check this page for updates or join our mailing list.If you would like to know more about the Brixton Low Carbon Zone or want to receive e-bulletins from us, please contact us with your details at


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