Buy Less "Stuff" this Black Friday! GEI10 is LAUNCHED

 Step away from the consumer feeding frenzy this Black Friday! Join the leading festival and event organisers in the quest for a more sustainable and less wasteful industry. We are creators - we are not consumers.The 10th edition of Green Events & Innovations, the UK's Sustainability Conference for Festivals & Events takes place on Tuesday 6th March 2017, at the Royal Garden Hotel, Kensington High St, London.GEI is A Greener Festival's annual flagship event delivered in partnership with the International Live Music Conference (ILMC). Each year welcoming diverse and inspiring speakers and projects from around the world to gather and challenge the way we deliver events towards a better impact for our environment and society.2018 is our 10th year of the Greener Festival Awards and the 10th edition of the Green Events and Innovations Conference - #gei10We invite you to join us as delegates, speakers, sponsors, supporters, participants. Join us to celebrate a decade of action and inspiration, and to put the full throttle behind our drive to a more sustainable, creative, diverse and interesting festival and event industry!


Buy Tickets for Green Events & Innovations Conference from

A delegate pass for GEI costs £99 plus booking fee, with a discounted rate of £65 available to ILMC delegates, students, and members of AGF. The ticket price includes a five-star lunch, refreshments, and a closing drinks party with the delegates of IPM.Please note that our super early bird tickets are limited and will sell out soon.ILMC delegates and Members of AGF for discount rates contact For more information and tickets, click here.

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Green Gathering Wins the UK Greener Festival Award 2017!


AGF Are Gold Winner of the Green Apple Award 2017!