A coalition of live event professionals, sustainability experts and associations in Germany are calling on the government to support a greener return.Stefan Lohmann, Founder of Sustainable Event Solutions, and co-initiator of the campaign stressed how important it is that the call for support come from the live industry beyond Germany, to show the German government that a green recovery is what the industry want and need.It is really easy to support this call to action – just sign it HERECall to support a sustainable events industryThe very existence of the events industry is under threat and help is necessary. At the same time theparallel corona and climate crises make it clear that business-as-usual is not an option. Two thingsare required in order to secure the existence of the industry: firms and self-employed eventsprofessionals must be protected – as the #AlarmstufeRot alliance has demanded from the federalgovernment – plus government funds must be available to enable the industry to become fullysustainable and climate neutral by 2030 at the latest.The conversion to a future-orientated and sustainable way of business, which exploits theopportunities for climate protection offered by digitalisation, can only be achieved through targetedgovernment support. The stimulus packages that the federal government has announced and theinitiatives of the European Parliament for climate and the Green New Deal are steps in the rightdirection. But it is essential that politicians act now, before it is too late!We therefore call for an immediate tailor-made stimulus package to create a sustainable eventsindustry.Key aims:1. Grants to support the transformation of the events industry covering 70% of the costs ofresearch, restructuring, re-evaluating supply chains, introducing closed-loop systems,environmentally friendly transport and logistics, digitalisation, necessary equipment, sustainablematerials and technology, apprenticeships, training and certification (e.g. ISO, EMAS, GWÖ,EcoProfit, German sustainability codex). These activities should be accompanied by criteria forsustainable event organisation similar to the guidelines published by the Federal Ministry for theEnvironment2. The securing of a long-term future for the events industry while achieving climate neutrality by2030 at the latest, and maximum sustainability as measured by the UN sustainable developmentgoals (SDGs).3. Helping to achieve the Paris climate targets by committing the events industry to climate neutralevents by 2030 at the latest, and by operating within the criteria for sustainable eventorganisation of the Federal Ministry for the Environment.4. Sustainability and climate neutrality as requirements for the award of contracts for publicly-financed events at national, regional and local level.The voluntary commitment of the industry to climate neutrality by 2030 includes CO2 emissions fortravel to and from the event and overnight stays. This commitment will be a model which otherindustries can follow, and set a good example to those attending climate neutral events.Major reduction of energy consumption, CO2 emissions and resource useThe events industry has great potential to reduce its CO2 emissions, use of raw materials and energyconsumption. The industry should therefore always be considered when public money is beinginvested in climate protection and sustainability. Modern efficient equipment and ideas – and sound equipment, efficient reuse and recycling of materials such as theatre curtains –can and must be developed to make them competitive or used where already availableInvestment in sustainable equipment should not be a risk for the investor.Deadline for unsustainable eventsThe conversion to a fully sustainable events industry needs political support at all levels. Ambitioussustainability criteria such as a seal of environmental friendliness need to be applied to the awardingof contracts for publicly-financed events as soon as possible, so that best practice in environmentalprotection is no longer sacrificed to save money.After a period of adjustment based on the EU guidelines for climate and energy policy up until 2030and the Paris Agreement’s aim of keeping global warming below 1.5° C, professional events must beclimate neutral. The recycling quota must be above 90%. And each event must have a named personresponsible for ensuring that environmental criteria are fulfilled, just as events currently have namedresponsible for safety and data protection. This will not just ensure the survival of the eventsindustry in times of climate change, but make the industry a role model for a modern, sustainableand innovative way of doing business.About the coalition:To achieve our aims we are sending a strong signal both to politicians and the events industry itself.This is why we have involved players both in the industry and wider society.We are an alliance of those who pay for and organise events, we are private companies and publiclyfunded organisations, our alliance includes creatives and technicians, locations and agencies,politicians and influencers, and many others.We need a strong and sustainable events industry. We call on government to support this aimimmediately with targeted funds.Initiators:● Stefan Lohmann (Live Entertainment Konzepte & founder of Sustainable Event Solutions)● Fritz Lietsch (Publisher and editor-in-chief, Altop Verlag & forum Nachhaltig Wirtschaften)● Marcus Stadler (Expert in sustainability management, DIN ISO & EMAS)● VDVO - Verband der Veranstaltungsorganisatoren / Association of Event Organisers● UnternehmensGrün e.V.First Signatories:● Stefan Lohmann (Live Entertainment Konzepte + Gründer von Sustainable Event Solutions)● Fritz Lietsch (Verleger, Chefredakteur, Altop Verlag - forum Nachhaltig Wirtschaften)● Marcus Stadler (Experte für Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement DIN ISO & EMAS)● Bernd Fritzges (Vorstandsvorsitzender VDVO)● Doreen Biskup (stellvertretende Vorstandsvorsitzende VDVO)● Dr. Katharina Reuter (Geschäftsführerin - UnternehmensGrün e.V.)● Prof. Dr. Maximilian Gege (Vorstandsvorsitzender B.A.U.M. e.V.)● Martin Oldeland (Vorstand B.A.U.M. e.V.)● Jens Kerstan (Politiker, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, Hamburger Umweltsenator)● Prof. Dr. Claudia Kemfert (Abteilungsleiterin Energie, Verkehr, Umwelt des DIW Berlin)● Frank Otto (Vorstand Hamburger Klimawoche e.V.)● Frank Schweikert (Vorstand Deutsche Meeresstiftung, Vorstand Bundesverband Meeresmüll)● Stefan Schulze Hausmann (Rechtsanwalt, Initiator – Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitspreis)● Sascha Müller-Kraenner (Bundesgeschäftsführer - Deutsche Umwelthilfe e.V.)● Dr. Gregor Hagedorf (Initiator Scientists for Future, Sprecher NABU BAG Nachhaltigkeit)● Nico Ubenauf (Vorstand Satis&Fy, Mit-Initiator vom Bündnis Alarmstufe Rot)● Suzann Heinemann (Geschäftsführerin GreenSign / Das Nachhaltigkeitssiegel für Hotels)● Jan Pechmann (Initiator - Marketing for Future)● Norbert R. Lux (Geschäftsführer – Green Brands Organisation)● Martin Erhardt (Projektleiter Sustainable Management – Steinbeis Stiftung für Wirtschaftsförderung)● Prof. Dr. Ulrich Holzbaur (Nachhaltigkeitsbeauftragter – Hochschule Aalen)● Prof. Karin-Simone Fuhs (Direktorin ecosign/Akademie für Gestaltung)● Louisa Dellert (Influencerin für die Themen Nachhaltigkeit, Umweltschutz und Politik)● Mike Keller (GF Markthalle, Dozent Hochschule Fresenius – nachhaltiges Event und FestivalManagement)● Robert Hansemann (Geschäftsführer Upstairs Event GmbH)● Stefan Rössle (Geschäftsführer Kontrapunkt - Agentur für Kommunikation GmbH)● Rüdiger Maeßen (CEO Europe, Uniplan - Agentur für Markenerlebnisse)● Jonas Rey (CEO INSTINCT live concepts & event production GmbH)● Sören Gütschow (Marketingleiter Sani GmbH, temporäre Raum und Sanitärlösungen)● Michael Stober, Landgut Stober (Gemeinwohl-bilanzierendes Unternehmen)● Gerd Hofielen, (AK Unternehmen, Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie e.V.)● Maarten Arkenbout (Pieter Smit Group – Event Logistik)● Alexandra Wandel (Vorstandsvorsitzende World Future Council)● Sascha Lafeld (Geschäftsführer Planetgood GmbH – Klimaneutral Jetzt)● Thomas Udesen (Co-Founder SSP - Sustainable Procurement Pledge mit 1800 Einkäufern)● Julien Figur (Geschäftsführer Hanse Mondial - Busvermietung und Logistik)● Anke Stopperich (Geschäftsführerin Besondere Orte Umweltforum Berlin GmbH)● Evelyn Bodenmeier (Geschäftsführerin GermanZero e.V.)● Green Events Hamburg – Grüner Wirtschaftsrat e.V.● Jürgen May (Inhaber 2bdifferent)● Michael Hosang (Geschäftsführer, Studieninstitut für Kommunikation GmbH)● Janine Steeger – Green Janine (Autorin, Moderatorin, Speakerin, Medientrainerin)● Tanja Schramm (CEO, Meet Germany)● Olaf Marsson (CEO, Berlin Event und Initiator Sustainable Event Metropole Berlin)● Lenn Kudrjawizki (CEO, Legrain Productions, Gründer des nachhaltigen Berlin Show Orchestra)● Sibylle Meyer (CEO, Fair Cup GmbH)● Sabine Loos (CEO, Westfalenhallen Dortmund)● Claudia van’t Hullenaar (Gründerin - Sustained Impact, Conscious & Sustainable Business - ClimateReality Leader - Events Industry Council Sustainability & Social Impact Committee Member)


