Coldplay and Glastonbury join Oxfam's Haiti earthquake appeal

Coldplay singer Chris Martin and Glastonbury Festival organiser Emily Eavis have joined Oxfam’s call for funds to help those affected by the devastating earthquake in Haiti. Chris Martin, who travelled to Haiti with Oxfam in 2002 to meet coffee farmers supported by the charity, said: “I visited Haiti with Oxfam a few years ago. It's a country of extreme poverty and brutal living conditions. Most people in Port-au-Prince live in tin shacks. The earthquake that has struck Haiti will have turned the city into an unimaginable hell. “The people of Haiti will be desperate for help and assistance. You can make a donation at”  The band will make a donation to the Oxfam appeal today, and Glastonbury have also donated to the appeal. Emily Eavis, who was in Haiti with Chris at the same time, added:  "I visited Haiti with Oxfam in 2002 and it's the poorest place I've ever been by a long way - it seems doubly unfair that it should be hit by such a devastating earthquake, especially after the hurricanes of the last two years. They do not have the resources needed to cope with a disaster of this scale, that is what makes this so much worse.  “I know how hard people there work to try to survive: they have an incredible spirit and face hardship head-on without self pity. I can't imagine how they are coping now. “Glastonbury is supporting Oxfam's appeal for Haiti - if you go to the website you can leave a donation." Oxfam today launched an appeal for millions of pounds as it geared up its response to the devastating earthquake in Haiti. The extent of the devastation is still unclear but local officials are reporting a catastrophe of major proportions. Thousands are feared dead, millions are affected, and major buildings - such as the presidential palace - have collapsed.People can donate by calling 0300 200 1999, online at and at their local Oxfam 

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