Environmental sustainability in the workplace workshop

A practical and comprehensive workshop to help your organisation make real efficiency savings, engage with staff and stakeholders and improve the environmental impact of your workplace.                                                                                                                                                                                         

This thought provoking workshop is designed to help you to gain a detailed understanding of the issues surrounding environmental sustainability and develop a meaningful action plan that will have a real and positive impact on your organisation and the environment. Through a combination of presentations, workshops, group discussions and real life case studies, this course provides an invaluable resource for organisations looking to tackle their environmental performance.

This training session will provide:

1)       True benefits of a greener office – from cost savings and increased efficiency to the way your organisation is perceived by others.

2)       The major obstacles to changing your workplace and ways to overcome them – share positive experiences, barriers and get expert advice on overcoming challenges.

3)       Legislation “need to knows” – steps to take to ensure you are up-to-date and legally compliant.

4)       Real-life case study: A representative of a leading social landlord will discuss and take questions on the practical application of environmental policy in the workplace.

5)       Practical suggestions for reducing energy and waste, greener transport and purchasing choices and making a positive impact on your local environment.

6)       How to review your current performance – environmental target setting and methods for monitoring your improvements.

7)       Top tips on communicating your achievements – ensure internal staff, external partners and funders realise the significance of your improvements.

Course Outcomes:

A clear understanding of the range of benefits to your organisation.

Understand where and how you can make changes to your current practice, and the barriers that may have to be overcome.

Feel confident in implementing your environmental policies.

Who should attend?

All organisations who are interested in increasing their environmental efficiency and overcoming barriers to achieving environmental goals. This includes charities and voluntary groups looking to reduce the environmental impact of their workplace, local authorities and government affiliated groups looking to improve their policies and build upon existing skills, and SMEs and social enterprises concerned with improving their environmental performance.

Facilitated by:

Anna Hirschfeld will be the lead facilitator at the event. With a wealth of experience in the property sector, Anna manages the Ethical Property Foundation’s Property Advice Service in London. Anna provides property advice and support to charities, community groups and social enterprises including advice on environmental sustainability. Anna has delivered well-received training events focusing around many core property issues.

Phil Dennison is a Projects Officer with the Ethical Property Foundation and will be providing facilitation support on the day. Along with providing front line support to social groups regarding property issues, Phil also has detailed knowledge of property management procedure and environmental strategy.


£288 – large charities, public sector and businesses

£130 – small charities (under 8 staff) and independent consultants

£20 – concessionary rate for students, pensioners and unemployed. Please send a £20 cheque to Talk Action, The Grayston Centre, 28 Charles Square, London N1 6HT to secure a place.

Tailored courses can be arranged for groups at a date and location to suit you.

Prices include a vegan/vegetarian lunch, fair-trade refreshments and networking time.

For bookings and further information, please contact:

Talk Action

Corinna Luther

Tel: 0207 324 4774

Email: corinna@talkaction.org

The venue is fully accessible with wheelchair-accessible lavatory facilities and a hearing loop.


Journee des Initiatives Musicales Independiantes
