Plymouth based Disc Manufacturing Services have produced CD’s to be distributed at the Great Escape for BMF / Generator and AGreenerFestival.Both the Crushing the Great North South Divide CD and A Greener Festival’s Festivals Harvest CD have been produced by Disc Manufacturing Services (DMS) in 100% card packaging that has been certified for the Industry Green (ig) mark by Julie’s Bicycle, the cross music industry initiative on climate change set up to reduce greenhouse gas emission.DMS Managing Director Dave Summers said, ‘As a manufacturer embracing the future needs of a low carbon society, DMS are delighted to offer a full range of printed CD packaging that is scientifically certified to be far less harmful to the environment than plastic jewel cases. Julie Bicycle have guided us over the past year in developing these IG certified products and we can offer IG accreditation at no cost to clients on a wide range of printed packaging. The releases at TGE by A Greener Festival and Crushing The Great North South Divide (BMF/Generator) are two fine examples of IG accredited packaging’.Ben Challis from AGreenerFestival commented, “We have just finished the production of our ‘Festival Harvest’ double CD – which will promote the work of AGreenerFestival, the campaign and advice group that aims to reduce the environmental impact of music festivals around the world. The CD is packaged in 100% card to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and it was important for us to show that low carbon products are attractive and innovative, and the IG mark is a credible certification scheme supporting these values”.Industry Green certification for CD packaging assesses whether a CD packaging format is ‘lower carbon’. To be eligible for Industry Green status the packaging manufacturing process must be found to produce less than 400g greenhouse gas emissions per unit, at least two thirds less than standard CD packging (plastic jewel case, booklet and inlay). In addition, the packaging supplier must demonstrate that they are engaged and committed to greenhouse gase emissions reduction and disclosure. Successful packaging formats can carry the ig mark under licence.This development is significant in the ongoing work of the BMF with Julie’s Bicycle to introduce sustainable practices within music businesses and general activity in music in the South West.The CDs will launch at the Scrumpy & Brown Ale party at the Great Escape in Brighton on Fri 14th May from 6 til 7pm in the Founders Room in the Dome. Live music from the very wonderful Jackie Oates and Nadine Shah