GREEN EVENTS EUROPE - Bonn will be the place to be

geeThe 4th GreenEvents Europe Conference will take pl;ace in Bonn on November 25th and 26th 2013. After a very successful 2012 conference with more than 120 guests from 14 countries, organisers are expecting an even larger number of national and international participants, top-quality speakers and experts for the 4th GreenEvents Europe Conference to be held at Wissenschaftszentrum Bonn; GreenEvents Europe 2013 will offer high-level input by speakers of international reputation without losing touch of the practical implementation.For the first time there will be a Beginners Workshop on green event management for participants with no or little knowledge prior to the regular conference on Sunday Nov 24th, afternoonFollowed by our greenEvents warm-up on the sunday evening.As with previous years, there will be ample opportunities to network and interact. Organisers are looking forward to prominent speakers from major events, international institutions and initiatives, and sustainable suppliers. Please find the latest program (subject to changes) here.The conference aims to deal with challenges set up regarding environmental protection and sustainability within an event’s organisation and promotion. Topics discussed with all parties involved (promoters, venues, suppliers etc.) such as The waste business, Catering without meat, Audience Attitude, „Down The Loo II”, Degrowth and events, Cups – biodegradable vs. multi-use, Plastics – can we avoid it?, Upcycling,Electricity and power, Camping and waste (again and again) among others. On the basis of practical questions from promoters and the production point of view. The aim is to connect experts and professionals involved in event organisation to listen to other’s opinion and to start networks, exchange knowledge and best practise ideas.Registration & travel:350 € for regular GreenEvents participation 250 € for GreenEvents delegates from 2010 and 2011 175 € for second GreenEvents participant from one company/festivalThere's a discount for Yourope-members and/or Sounds For Nature-Festivals: 50 Euro (for one delegate per company/festival) Student, group and other special rates: please contact usWe really recommend the Event Ticket of our mobility partner DB (German rail, 1st class travel for 99€ from all over Germany)Pls find special accomodation offers here (special rates only bookable through Travel Deluxe – for contact pls. follow link)Confirmed Speakers: (in alphabetical order, subject to change, more tbc) Cathérine Bartolomé (Chrysocolla Marketing, GER) Friederike Behr (ecocontrolling and Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut, Essen, GER)Jacob Bilabel (Green Music Initiative, GER)Daniel Bleher (Ökoinstitut e.V., GER)Birgit Böhm (Wandelwerte e.V., GER)Jakob de Poft (Sheltercare, BE)Nadine Deventer (jazzwerkruhr, GER)Torsten Engelking-Mala (Cup Concept, GER)Sebastian Fleiter (The Electric Hotel, GER)Squeak Freeman (Festival Loo, UK)Sabine Funk (GreenEvents Europe, Sounds For Nature Foundation e.V., GER) Luisa Gajewski (Green Team On Tour, GER) Rüdiger Heidebrecht (DWA – Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall e. V., GER)Christoph Hertel (Evangelischer Kirchentag, GER)Andreas Jaron (Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), GER) Chris Johnson (Powerful Thinking / Shambala Festival, UK)Thomas Kläser (PA Team, GER)Wolfgang Küpper (Papstar, GER)Niklas Lundell (Way out West Festival, Sweden)Carl Martin (ILMC Production Meeting, UK)Teresa Moore (Bucks New University, UK)Dirk Nosbach (nVL² Nossbach Leipold VeranstaltungsLogistik GmbH, GER)Claire O'Neill (A Greener Festival / Association of Independent Festivals, UK)Marten Pauls (Campo Event Engineering / Rock Am Ring, GER)Annika Rudolph (Green Team On Tour, GER) Holger Jan Schmidt (GreenEvents Europe, Sounds For Nature Foundation e.V., GER)Paul Schurink (ZAP Concepts B.V., NL)Michaela Tanner (Open Air St.Gallen Festival, CH)Morten Therkildsen (Roskilde Festival, DK)Vladimir Vodalov (Exit Festival, SRB)Antje Vödisch (Bonnorange, GER)Katharina Weber (Green Team On Tour, GER) Green Events Europe is an event of:Sounds For Nature Foundation e.V. - www.soundsfornature.euBN*PD | Bonn Promotion Dept. | Funk & Schmidt GbR -


Can we green the Dance?
