Re: GreenEvents Europe 2011 – nov 2 and 3 in Bonn – LAST MINUTE INVITATIONThe 2nd GreenEvents Europe Conference is taking place in Bonn on nov 2nd and 3rd 2011. After a successful premier in 2010 we are looking forward to welcome international guests, exclusive speakers and experts in the field of "sustainable and environmentally firendly events" at the Wissenschaftszentrum in Bonn.We had some nice additions to the program and are looking forward to prominent speakers such as Jacob Bilabel (Green Music Initiative), Rebecca Saunders (Sustainable Event Ltd.), Ben Challis (A Greener Festival), Marie A. Rogvi (Roskilde Festival), Jan Smeets (Pinkpop), Niklas Lundell (Way Out West) or Franz-August Emde (Bundesamt für Naturschutz) and Frank Klingenstein (freelancing expert at BMU). GreenEvents Europe offers top level input - without losing touch of the practical implementation. Excursions to interesting institutions related to the recycling and energy economy will round up the conference schedule nicely. Please find the latest complete program (subject to changes) attached or with more information here: Events expects about 120 participants from all areas of the international live music business.The conference aims to deal with challenges set up regarding environmental protection and sustainability within an event’s organisation and promotion.Topics discussed with all parties involved (promoters, venues, suppliers etc.) such as energy efficiency, carbon footprinting, waste management or the question, whether green engagement can be used for marketing purposes – on the basis of practical questions from promoters and the production point of view. The aim is to connect experts and professionals involved in event organisation to listen to other’s opinion and to start networks, exchange knowledge and best practise ideas.Registration & travel: fee is 200 € plus VAT for the conference.(Follow link for Yourope special rates)Travel within Germany: we really recommend the Event Ticket of our mobility partner DB (German rail, 1st class travel for 99€ from all over Germany): contact our partner agency for special hotel offers


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