GreenEvents Europe - Nov 24 to 26 - UPDATE - REGISTER NOW!

geeThe 4th GreenEvents Europe Conference in Bonn on Nov 25th and 26th 2013 is coming up. The program is almost fixed completely, the speakers' list is extraordinary and we are looking very much forward to meeting you all there.We are glad to present an outstanding line-up at Europe's leading conference for sustainability in the live music and event industry. Like in the previous years the conference will offer high-level input by speakers of international reputation without neglecting practical relevance and direct applicability. Please meet speakers from spearhead institutions such as Green Music Initiative, A Greener Festival, Powerful Thingking, Slow Food network, Fareshare and Energieagentur NRW, experts and scientists fromBucks New University, Cologne University, Ökoinstitut e.V., University Ulm and Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut Essen as well as top panellists from major events like Roskilde Festival, Rock Am Ring, Shambala Festival, Way Out West, We Love Art/We Love Green Festival, Rock For People , Cabaret Vert Festival, Exit Festival, Open Air St. Gallen and Evangelischer Kirchentag.GreenEvents Europe offers top level input - without losing touch of the practical implementation. But besides this very hands-on approach we are trying to integrate the thought in our panels how actions can reach out to the audience and stimulate more sustainable lifestyles as well.  Come and connect with experts and professionals involved in event organisation, listen to other’s opinion, start or intensify networking, exchange knowledge and best practise ideas. There will be plenty of opportunities to network and interact at the conference and events like the famous GreenEvents Dinner (kindly hosted by Yourope) or the Sunday evening warm-up.We offer a Beginner Workshop on green event management for participants with no or little knowledge prior to the regular conference on Sunday Nov 24th, afternoon.Register here now! We have special offers for Yourope members, SfN-festivals and companies sending more than one delegate. As the variety of urging topics requires sessions and workshops to be organized in parallel, form a team or bring a colleague. 


