How safe is your food?

More research fro the USA shows the most contaminated foods - and the cleanest. Top of  the list with pesticide loads are apples with some  98 percent of conventional apples having detectable levels of pesticides. The results are based on analysis of pesticide residue testing data from the US Department of Agriculture and Food and Drug Administration. Seventy-eight different pesticides were found on lettuce samples, Every single nectarine the USDA tested had measurable pesticide residues and as a category, grapes have more types of pesticides than any other fruit, with 64 different chemicals.Dirty Dozen: in order of pesticide load (apples being the worst offenders).1. Apples2. Celery3. Sweet bell peppers4. Peaches5. Strawberries6. Imported nectarines7. Grapes8. Spinach9. Lettuce10. Cucumbers11. Domestic blueberries12. PotatoesClean Fifteen: these options are less contaminated and don't pose as much of a health threat as do the dozen above.1. Onions2. Sweet corn3. Pineapples4. Avocado5. Cabbage6. Sweet peas7. Asparagus8. Mangoes9. Eggplant10. Kiwi11. Domestic cantaloupe12. Sweet potatoes13. Grapefruit14. Watermelon15. Mushrooms


Rain, rain, rain - what we gonna do?


Coca-Cola in the dock on waste