New research shows worrying minority against climate change action

One in five people are not interested in climate change because these 20% don't believe 'others are doing their bit', according to new research published to mark the launch of the Climate Week Awards.  The research also points to a significant 15% of the population who are unwilling to change their behaviour based on the facts of climate change alone.  Our own research with Buckinghamshire New University of 1500 festival fans across Europe in 2008 had almost the same worrying percentage of respondents who would refuse to change their behaviour when asked similar questions. In the new reseach one in 10 respondents agreed that they'd do more if their friends or neighbours demonstrated a bigger commitment to saving the planet.  According to the research, partners have the greatest influence over the decisions we make (58%) whereas neighbours have just a 2% influence.Boris Johnson, David Beckham, Cheryl Cole and Gwyneth Paltrow are amongst the celebrities most likely to inspire people to take action on climate and the research also found that Bill Gates and Arnold Schwarzenegger are particularly persuasive, beaten only by environmental campaigner and former Vice President Al Gore. Hollywood’s most committed eco-hero Leonardo Di-Caprio is in 14th place. The research discovered a strong correlation between familiarity and green influence, showing that celebs  can have huge influence on environmental issues, wether or not they are publicly 'green'.Enter the CLIMATE WEEK AWARDS here




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