Nurse Bell join the green touring revolution

For all of those who prefer their scones with butter and strawberry jam and cucumber sandwiches with the crusts cut off, then NURSE BELL are just your cup of tea - very English and great at breakfast.And now the anarcho-funk-disco-folk-indie-politico rockers have announced plans to join the green revolution by adopting a number of carbon efficient touring policies in a bid to fight climate change. In a move to reduce the environmental impact of their gigs, the band,  the brainchild of young Dr West and “The Nurse of a Certain Age” have posted up new plans on their website saying that these include employing an ‘all green’ staff policy for the tour - all roadies will have to have green face paint and green clothing and “will look like leprechauns” and that “all vehicles to be used (quite a few) will be painted green with the words 'we have gone green' painted on the side. All stages will be decorated green and the band will be reading green(ish) newspapers on their tour bus. Nurse Bell told this Blog  “See - we are doing our bit to save the planet!". They also advise fans to log onto for details of energy saving ideas - the top tip today - "why not hire in servants with their own car to drive you to the pub so you don't waste unnecessary energy - good eh!”.The band have a number of important issues to promote including marmite and nudity (although not together) and have recently launched the online website  for victims of clinically gullibility as well as a new single, Black Dr Martens, first released by Whitstable's legendary punk band The Ignerents.The band have now entered the 2010 Glastonbury Emerging Talent Competition (ETC) saying “We plans to gig a lot this year but Glasters would be the jewel in the crown. With all of the green stuff going on down in Somerset we could treat the whole shenanigan as one giant offset with absolutely no effort from us  – that’s a fab way to start the new year isn’t it? Now all we have to do is get selected for the finals and then win. Pyramid Stage, here we come!”AGreenerFestival does not actively support offsetting except as a measure of last resort. As Dr West is prone to say ....... oooooooooooh Nurse Bell.


The new Newsletter from the Better Festival Group!


Climate change - it costs us all - and now the insurers are worried ....