PCF World Forum

How is international development and implementation of carbon and environmental footprinting progressing?•Is renewable resource use in products a viable option for reducing carbon and environmental footprints?•How is their use reflected in carbon and environmental footprint standards?•What evidence and insights on environmental performance of renewable resources can we derive from existing case studies?•What is the future of accounting for land-use and land-use change in carbon footprinting?These are some of the questions that will shape the 8th PCF World Summit "Renewable Resources in the Value Chain: A Viable Option for Reducing Environmental Footprints?" on 26-27 September 2012 in Berlin.The use of bioplastics, biofuels and other biobased resources is pursued by companies around the world as a measure for reducing the carbon and environmental footprints of their products. It is time to take a closer look at motivation, initiatives and evidence. This complements and continues the exploration started at the previous PCF World Summit on renewable energy use in value chains, also a major mitigation measure. As always, the Summit will feature updates on international carbon/environmental footprint developments, initiatives, individual cases and ongoing issues such as Product Category Rule development.To secure your place at the 8th PCF World Summit, please register online or through the attached fax form. Registration by July 13th entitles you to a reduced early-bird fee.About the PCF World Forum:The PCF World Forum is a neutral platform to share practical experiences and knowledge towards climate-conscious value chains. The international platform provides orientation on current standardisation processes and creates opportunities for discussing international corporate best practices to support low carbon and climate-conscious production and consumption models. Background information on the PCF World Forum and previous PCF World Summits: www.pcf-world-forum.orgFollow the PCF World Forum online:Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pcfworldforumTwitter: https://twitter.com/#!/thema1berlinRSS Feed: http://www.pcf-world-forum.org/feed


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