Pester power prods parents

images5Environmentally aware kids are doing their bit for the environment - perhaps on the rather reasonable basis suggested by one five year that “when I grow up I want there to be some of the world left for us”.  The pint size eco-warriors are already fining their parents for every degree their thermostat is over 20C and for every unreplaced incandescent light bulb, and encouraging parents to take a walk and turn off lights and the TV. Many more are participating in the Eco-schools programme which was set up in 1994 at the Rio Earth Summit. Schools  subscribe to a programme whereby pupils audit energy use and water waste, collect litter and even in some cases grow vegetables. Schools can apply for gold, silver and green flag awards.  50% of UK primary schools now subscribe to the award and innovations include programmes encouraging children to walk to school and promoting reusable shopping bags in place of plastic bags.


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