Plainly stupid - UK Governmemt admits Heathrow third runway has fewer benefits than it thought

Oh, the muddle of Government and the ongoing incompetence .... enough to make you weep. Except it happens so frequently we don't have the time or the energy! No pun intended. Anyway, Ministers have now been forced to admit that Heathrow's third runway, approved in January 2009 by the now suspended Labour party MP Geoff Hoon when he was Transport Secretary, will not provide the economic benefits that were promised because the cost of carbon and pollution will be much higher than anticipated. The information, forced out of The Department for Transport by a Feeedom of Information Act request (how long before the FOI is watered down? All this truth stuff must be killing ministers and departments) says that the economic benefits of a bigger Heathrow were expected to fall saying "while the new shadow price of carbon would reduce the montestised net benefit of a third runway at Heathrow, the economic case for additional capacity at Heathrow would remain positive". The Lib Dems say that their analysis shows that the cost of environmental damage from the new runway would almost wipe out economic benefits the Government had promised. The DfT rejected the Lib Dems' figures as flawed.


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