Product Environmental Footprinting (PEF) Policy Conference

pcf_world_forumProduct Environmental Footprinting (PEF) Policy Conference

Status quo, stakeholder perspectives, next steps29-30 April 2013, Berlin, GermanyMore information and registration options online

Goods and services are increasingly understood for their important role in overall environmental impacts. These stem from energy and resources consumed and emissions accruing over their full life cycle, from original resource extraction/ agricultural production trough to final disposal or recovery. Many initiatives have formed over recent years to specify the existing life cycle assessment framework (particularly ISO 14040/44) and make it more specific and usable for managementreporting and eventually consumer information. Carbon footprinting is a particular case in point and the standard and initiatives development has been followed closely through the PCF World Forum over the years.Through a number of consultation and policy steps, such as the EU Council conclusions on the Sustainable Consumption and Production Action Plan, a scoping study on Product Carbon Footprint methods, the Communication on the Single Market Act, Council conclusions on the "Sustainable materials management and sustainable production and consumption" and the Resource Efficiency Roadmap the European Commission has decided to broaden the scope to include other environmental impacts and has embarked on (as specified in the Resource Efficiency Roadmap)· establishing a common methodological approach to enable Member States and the private sector to assess, display and benchmark the environmental performance of products, services and companies based on a comprehensive assessment of environmental impacts over the life-cycle ('environmental footprint');· ensuring better understanding of consumer behaviour and provide better information on the environmental footprints of products, including preventing the use of misleading claims, and refining eco-labelling schemes.The European Commission is expected to announce the final Environmental Footprinting methodology and possible policy options and/or next steps soon.To develop an early understanding of open questionsnext steps and perspectives from different stakeholders on the future use of the detailed product environmental footprinting methodology and respective policy options the PCF World Forum will host the Product Environmental Footprinting (PEF) Policy Conference on 29-30 April 2013 in Berlin. The decisions made by the European Commission on Product and Organisational Environmental Footprinting will be elaborated on by Michele Galatola, who is leading the work on behalf of the European Commission at DG Environment. You can find an earlier explanation of the European Commission's environmental footprinting activities by Michele Galatola (recorded at the 8th PCF World Summit) here. Representatives from other initiatives, businesses and stakeholders will provide their perspectives on the EU environmental footprinting roadmap.


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