The People of The Forest: 20 years of images from the Rainforest Foundation'The Proud Gallery in Camden is launching a new exhibition tonight to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Rainforest Foundation  looking back at two decades of the rainforest preservation campaigning organsiation, which has been put together in association with two of the body's co-founders, Sting and Trudie Styler.The opening night party, and entry is for just a fiver, is on TUESDAY 6TH OCTOBER, and will feature Alice Russell, Ms Dynamite and The Nextmen with the New Young Pony Club and Dirty Pretty Things' Didz on the decks. Doors open at 8.30pm.Commenting on the anniversary, Sting said "It has been 20 years since we started and our call to action is still clear. We must reduce deforestation and call on those in power to deliver lasting forest protection, while securing the rights of the people who live in and depend on the rainforest for their everyday survival. But even the best schemes to keep forests standing will ultimately be of little use if industrialised countries don't commit to seriously reducing carbon dioxide emissions. The effects of climate change will spell doom for many areas of rainforest in any case". Trudie Styler "In the 20 years since we started the Rainforest Foundation, our work has expanded into 18 countries over 3 continents, and has protected over 115,000 sq km of forest. Current projects aim to save nearly one million square kilometres of rainforest - that's an area the combined size of the United Kingdom, Ireland and France. Tragically, none of this is enough. Rainforests now cover only 6 per cent of the earth's land surface, and are still being decimated. There is a real and imminent danger of this destruction reaching the point of no return, yet still we ignore all the warning signs. For the sake of the indigenous communities who live in the forests and protect them, and for the sake of all humanity, it's time for individuals, industries and governments to start putting the Earth first."EXHIBITION RUNS: October 7 - 18, 2009LAUNCH NIGHT: Tuesday October 6, 2009PROUD GALLERY CAMDEN, The Horse Hospital, Stables Market, Chalk Farm Road, NW1 8AH. T: 0207 8394942.Each of the prints will be available for sale as a limited edition, exclusive to this exhibition, and will be accompanied by a certificate of authenticity signed by Sting. Only 140 prints will be available to purchase, with all proceeds from the exhibition directly helping the work of the Rainforest Foundation UK to continue.FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THE RAINFOREST FOUNDATION UK PLEASE GO TO: www.rainforestfoundationuk.org.


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