Sun Bird

Sun Bird2It's with great sadness we have to pass on the news of the death of Sun Bird, co-founder of the UK's Sunrise Summer Celebration and Waveform Festival in a car cfrash in the Swiss Alps.Here are some words from the co founder of Sunrise, Dan Hurring, about Wednesday's tragic events:“We’re extremely sad to announce the death of Sunrise Co-Founder, Sun Bird who has passed away in a tragic accident in the Alps.Sunrise was started in 2006 mostly through the sheer will and determination of Sun Bird to make it happen. His belief, tenacity and vision ensured that though the birthing process was not always smooth, what emerged was a shining light of an event that captured a little of the magic of the old free festivals and of the ancient rites of celebration that have been practiced through the ages in these Isles. Sun Bird was a man of vision and integrity. Though he made mistakes - as we all do - his determination to face up to these and look at his own shadow can be an example to us all.We will miss Sun Bird deeply and thank him for the wonderful beginnings that he gave to this festival, and the support and presence that he brought to it ever since.Thank you, Sun Bird. RIP."Our own Claire O'Neill said "I saw Sunbird in June and we had a great laugh together. We first worked together when I booked his Earth Heart Cafe for Global Gathering in 2005. A lot happened since then, but the last memory of him is certainly a happy one - the picture show's Sun Bird describing how if we all danced together with positive intention, we could consciously direct that positive intention in a giant cosmic envelope through the letter box of number 10 Downing Street!!!  Always filled with cosmic positivity!And Steve Jenner from the UK and European Festival Awards said: "Fly high Sun Bird. It's an honour to have known you. May your light continue to guide us on the ground to better places. I'm very sad I won't get to spend more time with you down here but you have left everyone who met you inspired, illuminated and uplifted. One of the true good guys who lacked the capacity to do anything other than for the right reasons, your passing is a huge loss to this world. You will never be forgotten x"This year's Sunrise is part of the Boomtown Fair from the 13th to 16th August in Chepstow, Monmouthshire.


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