Trafigura fined E1 million for toxic waste

Remember Trafigura, the oil company that last year pursuaded the  Mr Justice Maddison to grant a 'super-injunction' to gag the Guardian (and "persons unknown") over allagetions that it had transported toxic waste to West Africa on board the Probo Koala, dumping poisonous caustic soda and petroleum residues there . That's the same Trafigura that then reached a settlement with 31,000 people in Ivory Coast who claimed they were made ill by toxic waste dumped around the capital, Abidjan - and although no link between the waste and the harm was ever admitted by Trafigura, nearly $50 million was paid out. Well, now a judge at the Amsterdam District Court has fined the very same Transfigura E1 million on a charge of illegally ferrying a cargo of toxic waste from Amsterdam to The Ivory Coast.  Trafigura employee Naeem Ahmed, who was involved in the ship's operation in Amsterdam, was fined 25,000 euros and the captain of the Probo Koala, 46-year-old Sergiy Chertov, was sentenced to a five-year suspended jail term.You can read more at


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