Truck money woes, Secret Garden Party security fiasco

Our friends at the Truck Festival are looking for a solution to their money woes after dissapointing sales at this year's event in Oxfordshire. We have great admiration for the Truck and Wood team here, and their green efforts have been brilliant - and we just hope this fabulous event can survive. You can read more here Organiser Robin Bennett said "Things are still a little unclear, but the situation is not looking good. Our revenue has not been adequate to cover the cost of this year's event and we have been left with a major hole. We are a small family business and we cannot sustain that kind of loss, and are now reaching out to find a method of dealing with it". Explaining the situation, he added "We didn't have enough full-price ticket holders, and bar and food spending, which we hoped would make a contribution to profits, wasn't high ... The market this year is dire. There are just too many festivals". Truck is urgently looking for investors.We were sent this link to a fairly apallinging short film by Charlie Veitch about an incident involving some of the security staff at Secret Garden Party on July 24th. Its worth a watch. Whilst we don't know the background to how the whole incident started, and clearly the footage has been edited, when I mentioned the incident to one of the Greener Festival team who was at SGP, they did say that whilst it was a great event, they themselves had a run in with one female member of the security staff which was highly unpleasant. As this film says - "this footage is both distressing and depressing".  It is to us, but make your own mind up at . We hope the Police, the Security Industry Authority and especially the organisers of SGP take a look too!If you are interested in what festival fans (well Guardian readers here) think about greener festivals, take a look at this interesting discussion forum on on the Guardian's website - it meanders a bit and flows here and there - but it is remarkably polite and well expressed for a internet discussion (!) and covers a whole host of issues festival goers and festival organiers face when trying to be 'green' -  you can see more here




Saddle up for August 20th in Berlin