Green Gathering's Latest Research: Two New Reports in Association with A Greener Future

We've got some exciting news to share! At A Greener Future, we've been lending a helping hand to the Green Gathering Festival as they dive deep into the impact of their event on our planet. In fact, our collaboration led us to create two important research reports.

And let me tell you, the results are eye-opening!

Making a Difference

In a recent blog post by the Green Gathering, they shared some incredible insights into the positive impact their festival has on the environment and attendees alike.
It turns out that attending the festival inspires real change – over a third of festival-goers have been motivated to make greener choices in their daily lives, from what they eat to how they manage waste. Plus, 20% of attendees have found themselves getting more involved in community activities and climate change activism.
Now that's what we call making a difference!

Reducing Carbon Footprints

But that's not all. The Green Gathering isn't just about talk – they're also taking action. Their festival actually helps to reduce the carbon footprint of attendees. As stated in the Green Gathering's blog post, "Total emissions at GG 2023 were calculated to be 7kg CO2e per festival attendee, which is plenty lower than the daily carbon footprint of a UK resident estimated at 19.5 kg CO2e." Here at A Greener Future, we've had the privilege of contributing to the Green Gathering team's research efforts by providing our expertise to help assess their impact.

Congratulations to Green Gathering on their new reports!

Did we mention that the Green Gathering Festival won the AGF Greener Power Award in the International AGF Awards 2024? They were also certified as Outstanding in the AGF Certifications and we're proud to have played a part in their journey.

Thanks to The Green Gathering (registered charity no.1156593) for commissioning and funding this research.

So, what's next? Well, we're not stopping here! We're committed to making festivals and events all around the world as green as can be.

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#InTheNews: AGF's Latest Sustainability Updates