Spotted by AGF Assessors

Welcome to our new series, 'Spotted by Our AGF Assessors'!

In this series, we highlight the top finds made by our dedicated AGF assessors at festivals, arenas and various events around the world. Each section features a quote from an assessor who was attending the event, shedding light on the innovative and inspiring sustainability practices seen at these events.

Without any additional ado, let's have a look at the top finds…

Sonidos Liquidos

Sonidos Liquidos, a festival already renowned for its strong commitment to social sustainability, is enhancing its environmental and social initiatives this year. In collaboration with Papacría, the festival ensures that all waste generated during the event is transformed into new materials. This association works with inmates, conducting local workshops where these new materials are created.

This excellent initiative highlights the festival's circular economy approach and commitment to local community involvement, further demonstrating Sonidos Liquidos' dedication to creating an inclusive and eco-friendly event.”

Paradise City

Paradise City - the festival, which won the award for Best International Greener Festival at the International AGF Awards in February 2024, during the GEI16, showcases an unwavering commitment to sustainability.

The festival introduced its new Green Power Plan with around 66% of solar renewable energy, both from the solar panels installed on the festival site and from the main grid. Paradise City also promotes sustainable transportation with electric shuttles and a night train, encouraging the audience to opt for lower-emission travel options.

This year they inaugurated a new, more attractive recycling park and actively engage with the audience on-site to reduce waste on the campsite. They also started a series of live podcasts in cooperation with Love Tomorrow. In addition, among others, they support several local projects, such as River Cleanup.”

Primavera Sound

Primavera doesn't stop at reshaping cultural landscapes—it's also pioneering a greener, more sustainable future. With meticulous attention to detail, the festival harnesses the power of renewable energy to fuel its stages, with this year's innovation culminating in a stage powered entirely by renewable power.

Set in the heart of Barcelona, Primavera attracts attendees to embark on a journey that transcends mere entertainment—it's a holistic immersion into the soul of the city, where every footstep reduces emissions and every heartbeat echoes with the rhythm of progress. AGF Assessors were proud to be back another year to re-discover a world where music, sustainability, and inclusivity intertwine in perfect harmony.”


NorthSide is leading the way with sustainability at the core of its 3-day festival in the beautiful surroundings of Eskelunden.

The festival shows the power of collaboration: working with the Aarhus municipality to achieve 100% renewable grid power and supporting small local businesses to offer organic and plant-based food. Creative decor and design uses circular principles and in true Danish style, most of the audience travel by bike! It was great to see the team sharing their learning and action with the industry too.”

Rosendal Garden Party

Rosendal Garden Party is an intimate festival in the beautiful woodland surroundings of Stockholm’s Royal National City Park. Over 3 days they present a diverse music program along with carefully selected organic and local food & drink choices, working with the Swedish Diet for a Green Planet concept. The Action Village brings campaigning and community activism into the heart of the festival, with talks and activities curated by Climate Live & Greenpeace.

This year the festival’s Sustainability Manager joined Massive Attack’s Tour Manager and the founder of LiveGreen festivals to discuss actions towards a more sustainable live music industry.”


At Telluride, three camps within the campground took proactive steps to address difficult-to-recycle items. "Whiskey Pond, Camp Tribute and Trailer Smash organized a campaign to collect camping propane tanks, batteries, plastic film, ice bags, and foil-lined wrappers," noted an AGF Assessor.

"This campaign started after observing hundreds of empty propane cannisters at the 2019 festival. Last year, they collected over 200 propane tanks. This was initiated in the campground, not by festival staff." Additionally, these camps also organized a costume swap among all camps to promote reuse.

OpenAir St. Gallen

The OpenAir St. Gallen is one of Switzerland's most significant music festivals, attracting artists from around the world to the beautiful Sittertobel.

A standout feature of OpenAir St. Gallen is the Home Delivery service, designed to manage the flow of liquid container materials into the festival area while enhancing convenience for attendees. The festival has developed a pre-order system for water and beer to reduce excessive trips to the city for restocking while keeping beverage costs affordable, especially for younger visitors. 

To comply with the no-can and no-glass policy on the grounds and in collaboration with the festival's beer provider, a special setup has been developed to fill the beer into PET bottles. A mandatory deposit is charged for all bottles on-site, promoting their return and ensuring fewer bottles are discarded in the environment.”


“At Godiva Festival, two sustainability initiatives were featured, including innovative collaborations and eco-friendly solutions. E.ON Energy getting in the swing at Godiva Festival with their new power up station, using swings and a kinetic dance floor to recharge phones.'

Another standout initiative was the implementation of cycle storage, demonstrating a commitment to sustainable transport. "Great to see Coventry City Council working with Godiva to provide sustainable transport solutions over the weekend"

We are thrilled to witness these practices and eagerly await the next roundup of the assessors' findings. Please note that our assessors are continuously seeking out sustainability practices in the industry by attending current festivals and events.

Stay tuned for further insights and innovative green solutions in our upcoming blog posts. Additionally, we are currently sharing each highlight on our social media channels, so be sure to follow us there to be among the first to see the assessors' discoveries.

Together, we can pave the way for a more sustainable future in the events industry.




AGF Insider: Trends and Best Practices in Sustainability with Sam Booth