AGF at the Commonwealth Games!

During the 2022 Commonwealth Games  Birmingham,  AGF CEO Claire O'Neill joined the Commonwealth Games Sports Economy business hub at UK House, by invitation of Major Events International Ltd to talk Sustainable Events on a global scale.
On Sports Economy Day, Claire joined Dr Russell Seymour from the British Association for Sustainable Sport (BASIS) and Pippa Ganderton of ATPI, hosted by Chris Thompson of You Smart Thing.
Claire spoke of AGF's origins in Music Festivals and recent expansion into broader sustainability actions:
"AGF services have snowballed since developing the first sustainability standards for music festivals. AGF now provide sustainability management and consultancy services, A Greener Arena certification, Greener Events, and Greener Suppliers etc. What we've found is that when you focus on one part of the ecosystem, if everyone isn't up to scratch it falls down. You are often only as strong as the weakest link".

This one goes out to the young people!


AGF launch new "A Greener Supplier" Certification