This one goes out to the young people!

AGF would like to support the amazing joint campaign from YOUROPE and the European Festival Association and deliver their message to the young festival and event goers who have been so inspiring through some tough years.For two years, you took on so much for all of us.  Two long years of sacrifice, distancing, and deprivation. We, the family of European festivals, thank you for your loyalty!This year is your year. The European Year of Youth encourages young people to share their vision, meet other people, grab new opportunities and engage in activities all over Europe. The European festivals are infinitely grateful to reconnect with you again in 2022, providing your platform for international encounters, self-fulfilment and the development of your lifestyle and personality.Are you a young festival lover, artist or festival maker? Let’s cherish life and gain these valuable experiences that will benefityou for the rest of your life.You’re back. We’re back. Together again.Creating MAGIC MOMENTS is impossible without youLiving BIG EMOTIONS is impossible without youAll these UNIQUE MEMORIES are impossible without youTAKING A STAND is impossible without youBuilding A BETTER EUROPE is impossible without youSHAPING FUTURE together is impossible without youFESTIVALS are #ImpossibleWithoutYouFESTIVALS are #ImpossibleWithoutYouth  


A Sustainable Royal Pageant


AGF at the Commonwealth Games!