Innovation Quick Fire Round – Future Flash!

A Greener Festival welcomes a handful of knowledgeable GEI delegates to share any innovative ideas, start-up businesses or product pitches. Get involved and present to the audience and IPM’s international production specialists at GEI 12 - Innovation Quick Fire Round - Future Flash!There are a maximum of 4 places, so if you have something wonderful you need to share to make the live industry a greener place don’t miss this unique opportunity! This year's GEI 12 will take place as part of the break-out sessions shared with acclaimed IPM delegates. So if you want more reach in the industry and a means to spread great ideas, get your application in fast!! Send your ideas to, we are accepting proposals until 31st January. Keep in mind, it is necessary to be a delegate of GEI12 to apply. The Innovation Quick Fire Round involves slots of 5 minutes. Be ready to pack a punch and get your voice heard. Guests bring your notepads to jot down all that essential info!This exciting and vibrant session will be hosted at GEI on the 3rd of March, Royal Garden Hotel, London. So be there and stake your claim to be the green innovator of this years GEI 12!!! 


A Greener Festival at Eurosonic Noorderslag 2020


2019’s UK A Greener Festival Award Winner Green Gathering!!