1st GO Group Workshop for Sustainable Festivals & Events

Amsterdam, 23-24 May 2011GO stands for Green Operations.GO Group is an independent, pan European and cross industry think-tank to inspire people in the music festival and event industry to run their operations greener and smarter. GO Group meetings are open to stakeholders interested in actively pushing the Green Agenda.Bucks University, GreenEvents Conference, Green Music Initiative (GMI) and Yourope initiated GO Group at the 1st International GreenEvents Conference in Bonn on 3-4 November 2010. Two preparatory meetings in February and March identified key issues for the first GO Group Workshop on 23-24 May 2011. The first 2-day GO Group workshop for Sustainable Festivals & Events will focus on energy related issues (day 1) and effective audience communication tools (day 2). Find the detailed programme on the next page.To allow constructive discussions, the workshop has limited capacity. First come, first serve. If you haven’t done it yet, please register by mail to Lucile Barras, barras@thema1.deDetailed ProgrammeDay 1, 23 May 2011 - EnergyOn Day1, we will discuss best practise cases on how to overcome dirty and expensive generators, how to apply renewable energy sources practically and how to run operations more efficiently and thereby reduce costs and CO2 emissions.Chairs: Teresa Moore, Bucks University, UK and Jacob Bilabel, Green Music Initiative, DE.11:00 – 13:00         Introduction and energy efficiency                                      by Teresa Moore, Bucks University, UK                                      and Jacob Bilabel, Green Music Initiative, DE                                      and Emma Barfod, Hafslund, NO13:00 – 14:00         Lunch at the ID&T Bar14:00 – 16:00         Overcoming dirty generators                                      Workshop A: Connecting to the power grid                                      by Emma Barfod, Hafslund, NO                                      Workshop B: Greener generators                                      by Artur Mendes, Boom Festival, PO                                      and Rob Hutchinson, Innovation Power, UK16:00 – 16:15         Coffee Break16:15 – 18: 00        Festivals unplugged: renewable energies on site                                      by Julia Gudzent, Melt! Festival DE                                      and Eric van Eerdenburg, Lowlands Festival, NLDay 2, 24 May 2011 – Audience CommunicationOn Day 2, we will discuss effective communication tools looking at ways; - to involve the audience in your green efforts   and  how to communicate sustainability to your visitors before, during and after the event. We will share ideas on how the audience can be informed, guided, encouraged and stimulated investigating what works and what doesn’t.Chairs: Linnéa Svensson, Øya Festival, NO and Holger Jan Schmidt, Rheinkultur Festival & GreenEvents Conference, DE.09:00 – 09:45         Introduction, Measures, Tools, Examples                                      by Linnéa Svensson, Øya Festival, NO                                      and Holger Jan Schmidt, Rheinkultur Festival, DE09:45 – 10:45         Presentation – Different countries,  Different systems, Different people?                                    experiences from Øya and RhEINKULTUR                                      by Linnéa Svensson and Holger Jan Schmidt10:45 – 11:00         Coffee Break11:00 – 12:00         Case Study - Roskilde Green Footsteps: Best practise and the success of       the Roskilde sustainability programme                                      by Marie Rogvi, Roskilde Festival, DK12:00 – 13:00         Lunch at the ID&T Bar13:00 – 15:00         Workshop - Audience communication, best and worst practise, success       and failure, audience behaviour, guidance and involvementPractical informationVenue: ID&T Headquarters, De Entree 300, 1101 EE Amsterdam Zuidoost, NederlandFee: EUR 150 (+VAT). Fee includes lunch on both days.Yourope members get EUR 50 discount for 1 participant.Registration: mail to Lucile Barras, barras@thema1.deAccommodation: Hotel Tulip Inn Riverside, www.tulipinnamsterdamriverside.nlAbout 15 minutes by cab and about 25 minutes by public transport to ID&T headquarters. Kindly co-hosted by: ID&T


