AGF Co-Founder set to run the London Half Marathon

On 25th September 2011 I will be participating in the 'Nike+ Run To The Beat' London Half Marathon, raising money for Cancer Research UK.I am running as part of a team from my office (we have a team page here: and while this isn't something directly related to what is here for, I hope that you don't mind me using the site to promote the effort and ask, kindly, for anything you can spare towards sponsorship.  It's an excellent cause and, rest assured, this will not be an easy task for any of us involved.Personally, I'm already getting up at silly o'clock and going running during the week to make sure I can go the distance.  Okay, it's quite a while away but there is festival season to contend with amongst potential training time!!  (there you go...tenuous link back to what we're here for!).My fundraising page is here: visit, donate, favourite on your Facebook, retweet, whatever you can do to help...Thank you very much for your time!Luke x See more: Cancer Research UK: www.cancerresearchuk.orgNike+ Run To The Beat:


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