boomSet during Boom Festival 2012 the documentary THE ALCHEMY OF SPIRIT tells the story of thousands of people from across the world, that come together every 2 years in the August full moon. Together they share the dream of a reality within and beyond this reality, where we can live in harmony with our planet and with each other. It is a movie about Boomers that learn together about a different way of living, they co-create and share "out of the box" revolutionary ideas for change

Car-free Sundays in Bristol's city centre have begun! The new scheme, introduced by  independent mayor George Ferguson, will run once a month. The mayor  said the idea was not about "closing roads but opening them to people" and said he hoped to see "entrepreneurial activity". Baldwin Street, King Street and all roads in the Old City will be closed during car-free Sundays. He said he had been inspired by similar schemes in Bordeaux in France and Bogota in Colombia.

A third French city has introduced the 'Bluecar' - battery powered electric cars which is a motorised version of ''Boris's bike'. The silent cars cars can be hired for short periods but have a range of 155 miles - they can reach speeds of 70mph. Bordeaux will install 40 charging stations around the city where the cars will be available to subscribers. Paris now has 800 'Autolib' stations and 1.800 cars in operation and the entrepreneur behind the scheme, Vincent Bollore, said 530,000 Parisians had driven one of the cars - and 30,000 use  a car once a week. Indianapolis in the USA is looking at the scheme which aims to reduce car ownership, congestion, parking problems and pollution.Over 60,000 people are missing in Northern India after the heaviest rains in 60 years have caused devastating flash floods across the lower Himalayan region.  At least 575 people have died and tourists and pilgrims have been caught in the disaster at the holy place for Hindus,  Uttarakhand.  More heavy rain is forecast.After last year's appalling Briitsh summers, organiser Freddie Fellowes says that the 26,000 Secret Garden Party have improved traffic management and drainage on their site near Huntingdon in Cambridgeshire, England.  3.5km of gravel filled trenches have been dug along with the installation of  6km of 90mm water piping to provide fresh water for revellers.  New tarmac roadways have also been built and a new 'natural 750 capacity amphitheatre'.Firefly HPG 180h x 275wFollowing its introduction at the 10,000 capacity Sunrise Celebration in May, the new hybrid Cygnus generator from Firefly Solar will be used at Glastonbury (177.500) in June and Field View (8,000) in August. The generators link sustainable solar power generation  with a diesel or bio-diesel generator, switching over t sustainable power when it can, and saving up to 30% of fuel costs.The world's largest solar boat, the catamaran named Tûranor (the name comes from Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, it means Master of the Sun) has reached New York. The boat,  operated by the PlanetSolar Expedition has been  roaming the oceans for a couple of years, completing a record-breaking 18-month, 37,000-mile trip around the world last year. This year, the PlanetSolar crew are tracking the Gulf Stream, all the way from Miami, Florida, to Bergen in Norway, taking all kinds of water and air measurements along the way, hoping to advance the scientific understanding of this important ocean current and its impacts on the planet's climate. than 200 firefighters are tackling a large blaze at a recycling plant which was apparently caused by Chinese lanterns which flew over and dropped on plastic.Speaking to the BBC, West Midlands Fire Service's chief fire officer, said the man made lanterns could be to blame. Around 50,000 tonnes of recycling material are involved in the fire at J&A Young in Smethwick, West Midlands. West Midlands Fire Service said it had more than 35 appliances at the scene of the blaze in Dartmouth Road. 




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