New guidance launched by WRAP provides UK local authorities with practical advice on how best to collect non-bottle rigid plastics in a drive to push up recycling and reduce contamination at reprocessing plants.  Currently, only around 10% of rigid plastic packaging is recycled from household collections. This is despite studies, which show that householders are keen to recycle this material and where collections are provided, yields of all recyclables increase. According to WRAP, the challenge for local authorities is how to best collect these materials and communicate with residents about what can and cannot be collected.A third of drivers in the UK could be off the road within twelve months as fuel costs rise says car valuation company Up to 38% of drivers say they will give up if prices continue to rise.Twickenham Stadium has appointed a full time sustainability manager and says that it is committed to further develop its environmental programme in five core areas: governance; waste management; energy management; transport; procurement.  The stadium has already hit a 65% recycling target  and is reducing food miles with a local sourcing policy.Plans to advance water management innovation and efficiency in Europe have been unveiled, with a new partnership agreement to drive innovation forward.  As part of the agreement the European Technology Platform for Sustainable Chemistry (SUSCHEM) and the European Water Supply and Sanitation Technology Platform (WSSTP) have formalised their long-standing alliance and pledged to collaborate on key priorities.  This includes the implementation of the European Innovation Partnership which was also unveiled by the European Commission and aims to pair strong innovation in the water industry with the chemical sector's track record of providing solutions across manufacturing and process industries.With rooftops across the world being used to grow food, raise chickens, and provide habitat, how does the enterprising urban grower up the ante? Perhaps with a rooftop fish farm says Treehugger! The prototype Globe/Hedron "is a bamboo greenhouse designed to organically grow fish and vegetables on top of generic flat roofs. The design is optimized for aquaponic farming techniques: the fish’s water nourishes the plants and plants clean the water for the fish," according to designer Antonio Scarponi/Conceptual Devices, who is collaborating on the project with the Zurich-based group UrbanFarmers. Stadium, Birmingham NEC and the SouthBank Centre were amongst the venues turning off their lights for Earth Hour.Two years after the Deep Water Horizon drilling platform exploded, the true impact of the Gulf Oil Spill remains in question—and justice is elusive. Why not take a look at photographer Daniel Beltra's shocking visual journal of the disaster here’s International Compost Awareness Week and a perfect opportunity to “Give Back to the Earth” in the form of rich, healthy compost that will nourish it and your garden. More here is a new carpooling website looking to fill empty seats in cars going to festivals.


Could musicians fall foul of US environmental law?


Festival Wood Gets More Trees!