Climate change accelerates the extinction of wild birds

Numerous wild bird species including the Lapwing, the Snow Bunting, the Snipe, the Red Kite, Leach’s Petrel and the Scottish Crossbill are facing extinction in the United Kingdom as climate change and intensive farming drive them out of their habitats according to a new report from Durham University and the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB). The report says that Britain’s birds are being driven northwards and in some areas are being replaced in habitats with birds from the Mediterranean region, themselves being driven north as well leading to significant wildlife transformation. Scientists have calculated that the 0.6C degree rise temperatures in the last two decades has already had a significant impact and that the average range of British birds will move 550 kilometres (340 miles) by 2100 as the climate heats up – but for some that means they will be without a home – the Scottish Crossbill will be forced off the top of Scotland with nowhere to go – it would not be able to fly as far as the only option – Iceland. One of the scientists involved, Dr Steve Willis, had already studies the effect of climate change on insects. With the nation’s temperature gradient moving northwards at 41KM each year he showed that many species were too slow to migrate with the change. Red Kite is the logo of The Greener Festival Awards


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