GreenEvents Europe V: Nov 3 and 4 - save the date and register now!

green eventsGreen Events Europe are pleased to announce the 5th GreenEvents Europe Conference to be held on nov 3rd and 4th, 2014,  at Wissenschaftszentrum Bonn, Germany. The 5th edition of GreenEvents Europe shows that the event has establishedand the tradition of tackling major issues in the live events sector. It also highlights the growing importance of and the continuous interest in sustainability and events. The organisers expect the conference to be even more successful than the previous ones with more than 150 national and international participants, top-quality speakers and experts. (You can download the full conference report 2013 here.) Green EventsEeurope will offer high-level input by speakers of international reputation without losing touch of the practical implementation. Register here now! Green Events have special offers for Yourope members, SfN-festivals and companies sending more than one delegate (see below). The first speakers will be announced by the beginning of September.  

GreenEvents Europe 2014 will highlight "more sustainable food & beverage at events" - without of course neglecting other important topics like transport and mobility, energy, resource management and new technical developments. These topics will be discussed with all parties involved (promoters, venues, suppliers etc.).

Topics to be discussed are (subject to change)

  • 'Food, drinks and Rock'n'Roll'
  • 'Social Impact of events'
  • 'Post consumerist economy'
  • 'Attitude & behaviour gap'
  • 'Greener Touring'
  • 'Food & footprint'
  • 'Food & health'
  • 'Energy efficient music culture'
  • 'Sustainable Event Design'
  • 'Technical solutions to special problems'
  • 'Transport and Mobility'.

An 'Upcycling workshop' will be part of the conference as well as the 'Culinary UPcycling' lunch on day two which will show how the main issue of the conference can be dealt with. 

Prior to the regular conference on Sunday Nov 2nd (afternoon), Green Events offer a GreenEvents Europe pre-conference workshop: "Food & beverage at events".  Participants will identify challenges and work on answering questions like 'Why are food and beverage important topics in the event industry?', 'Is food part of an event and how does it influence its character, message and impact?'. 

The variety of important topics requires some sessions and workshops to be organized in parallel. Therefore, form a team or bring a colleague. See our discount on the registration fee for more than one delegate per company.
Registration & travel:350 € for regular GreenEvents participation 250 € for GreenEvents delegates from 2010 and 2011175 € for second GreenEvents participant from one company/festivalYou can register here. There's a discount for Yourope-members and/or Sounds For Nature-Festivals: 50 Euro (for one delegate per company/festival) Student, group and other special rates: please contact us.Pls find special accomodation offers here (special rates only bookable through Travel Deluxe – for contact pls. follow link)
Green Events Europe is an event of:Sounds For Nature Foundation e.V. - www.soundsfornature.euBN*PD | Bonn Promotion Dept. | Funk & Schmidt GbR - www.bnpd.deGreenEvents Europe is funded by:Foundation for Environment and Development North Rhine Westphalia -


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