How to keep your house warm

warmhouseEven if you have a solid wall house, you can get rid of cold damp interiors by refurbishing your house to maximise energy conservation:- use external wall insulation- use foil faced insulation to line the roof- insulate the floor - its a big job digging out 30cm of dirt you can put silver EPS under a new floor- Windows: triple glaze!- Walls - make sure external wall insulation overlaps window frames and goes down to the flooring and up to the eavesAND ......- Heat recovery fro warm air: make the house air tight with breather membranes  and install a ventilator system for heat recovery (MVHR).  This removes warmth from air in the bathroom and kitchen and rewarms fresh air in the bedrooms and lounge- Install solar PV panels on your roofAnd watch your fuel bills go down and down! 


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