Irish festivals get green help has been set up to provide Irish festivals, events and destinations with support materials and guidance to help them go green. The experience and know-how already developed by participating events and local authorities is made available for free so that others can take the step towards more sustainable fun. The website also aims to support and promote the many festivals, events and destinations that have already gone down the green route, and to allow discerning participants to sustain these environmentally friendly celebrations of what it is to be Irish.Ireland is famous for world-class festivals, events and destinations. Several thousand of these are happening all over the country, 52 weeks of the year. While they provide major social, financial and cultural benefits to Ireland’s people, they can also have significant environmental impacts. The aim of Green Your Festival it to reduce this environmental impact, and many events and destinations have already been greened in partnership with the local authorities in their regions.Green Your Festival is the initiative of participating local authorities in Ireland’s Local Authority Prevention network – LAPN -  one of many resource efficiency programmes being implemented by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).


