Londn Fashion Week highlights environmental responsibility

London Fashion Week saw more members of the clothing and fashion industries demonstrating a commitment to social and environmental goals with the Week's sustainable clothing conference shows. The event, attended by representatives from over 200 companies and organisations saw Environment Minister Dan Norris announce new signatories to industry roadmap the Sustainable Clothing Action Plan (SCAP) including the British Retail Consortium, Ethical Fashion Forum, Forum for the Future, Levis Strauss, MADE-BY, Cotton Made in Africa, RSPCA, Society of Dyers and Colourists. Since its creation the SCAP has brought together over 40 organisations, from high street retailers, to designers and textile manufacturers to battle the environmental and ethical impacts of 'throw away' fashion.  Edie.net reports that some of the biggest names in fashion are working to take actions which will make a significant difference to the environmental footprint and social inequalities which blight some of the consumer fashion supply chain.


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