Register for the Climate Week Challenge - 7 weeks to go!

cw-logoOrganisations across the UK are signing up for the Climate Week Challenge, Britain’s biggest environmental competition - find out more by clicking here. There is a one-hour version and a one-day version, and several age categories. You can do it on any day during Climate Week (3-9 March 2014) and it is completely free.The last Climate Week Challenge saw over 200,000 people in school and workplace teams across the UK coming up with ideas for the 2013 challenge, which was to design the ultimate eco-home.Each school or workplace can have any number of teams taking part (with up to six people in a team) then chooses one winning team whose entry is submitted to the national competition.Everyone who registers will be emailed the details of the challenge task one week in advance, on Monday 24th February 2014. This is to allow teachers and organisers enough time to prepare if they wish to. However, they should keep the task a secret until they actually run the competition!Could the winning solution that helps combat climate change be from your school or workplace? To register,click here - it takes just two minutes. For more information visit or


European Festival Awards - and the winners are ....
