Schools make green music with 3R competition

Schools across the Cumbria have excelled themselves in composing songs for a new music contest called the R Factor - where pupils write lyrics to promote awareness of the three Rs of waste awareness - Reduce - Reuse - Recycle.  Working with charity MusicLinks primary schools across the county have been given the opportunity to compose a song that promotes waste awareness - and to try and reduce the massive amount of household waste sent to landfill each and every year. Since the project started in October 2008 lots of  schools have devised and recorded their own songs and now finalists will be chosen. In Cumbria the final 137 entrants have to be cut down to a final list of just 6 and now listeners to the Cumbrias's commercial radio stations must choose a final pair for the grand final - and then the final winner of the R Factor 2009 will be announced and have their song professionally recorded.  



Dead Green


Big Issue Talks Green