After a summer of festivals and events on college campuses, the Sustainable Living Roadshow is shifting gears and heading off to the Harmony By the Bay Festival and dedicated support of CA Prop 37 - mandatory labelling of GMO's in California. The SLR joins 2,076 businesses and professional supporters of the CA "Right to Know Campaign" and the fight for Labelling Genetically Modified Foods, including California Biosafety Alliance, Food and Water Watch, the Institute for Responsible Technology, Non-GMO Project and more. Prop 37 will require the labelling of all genetically modified foods in the State of California and the SLR say that the USA and Canada are the last industrialized nations that don't require the labeling of genetically modified foods, even though GMOs are found in over 70% of traditional American groceries. Recent studies showing that GMO diets caused cancer and reduced life spans in mammals, making this legislature even more crucial. California's labelling of GMOs will quickly lead to labeling across the country, paving the way for all Americans to have the Right to Know what's in their food.