Sustainable Event Management: A Practical Guide

When I first did research into making festivals environmentally friendly back in 2006 I found not one dedicated sustainable event management book. Now thanks to author Meegan Jones the first 'Sustainable Event Management: A Practical Guide' is soon to be on the shelves. Well done Meegan from all at A Greener Festival :)"Once you've got through the Summer festival season and are having moments of reflection on what you could do to make yours a greener festival, you'll be happy to know that a purpose-made book will be on the shelves from this December for your reading pleasure.  Sustainable Event Management: A Practical Guide will be released by Earthscan at the end of the year. Case studies and examples from some of the UK's leading festivals are joined by those around the world as you are lead through a step by step guide to producing your event sustainably.


No forests, no future says Charles


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