AGF are pleased to be joining this stellar program on Saturday 9th May to reimagine tomorrow!The health crisis has had a direct and dramatic impact on night clubs and bars, as well as the people who work in the nightlife sector. And as the weeks pass, the prospect of finding the (night) lifestyle we enjoyed before becomes ever more distant. Against this background, Technopol is launching the "Danser Demain" series of podcasts, reflecting on the opportunity given to us to rethink our way of seeing, creating and producing nightlife and the broader cultural life of France. Reflecting on  the way we will party after this pandemic, with input and opinions from all stakeholders (artists, professionals, public),  while also considering future parties through the prism of sustainability,as well as the underlying politics and its greater potential for inclusivity, so that parties, festivals and clubs become a safe(r) space in a post-pandemic context.The first event in a monthly series, Danser Demain will bring together artists, thinkers, organisers and the media around virtual round tables, and will feature both long (30-40 minute and short (10-20 minute discussions and interviews. Because only together can we reinvent tomorrow.First Names and Themes

  • Prospective discussion with Mirik Milan
  • Debate ‘Nuit, fête et espace public’ with Jean-Christophe Choblet, MYST and le Bon Air Festival
  • Debate ‘Les imaginaires de la fête dAprès’ avec (La)Horde, Maud Geffray and TBA
  • Prospective Interview with Luc Gwiazdzinksi
  • Debate La fête durable’ with A Greener Festival, AZF, Chateau Perché
  • Interview with Paul Hartnold (Orbital) and DJ/Producer Dave Clarke
  • Debate ‘Safe Space’ with Spectrum and Garçon Sauvage

The program will be finalised the week of May 3 when more names will be revealed. Join us Saturday May 9, from 4pm to 8pm on Technopol’s Facebook Page and on those of the media partners mentioned in the event.




AGF Support ADE Green Livecast: Rethink, Rebuild, Regenerate