Up to 12.5% discount on insurance for green festivals

 We are really pleased to have teamed up with our friends at Robertson Taylor to offer discounts on the cost of insurance for festivals that adopt green initiatives. This is such an important issue and Robertson Taylor are very pleased that insurers recognise the efforts of festival organisers, to introduce green initiatives.  RT have negotiated special discounts for any festival organisers who are striving to make their festivals greener that implement at least 5 of the 16 green initiatives that are suggested by agreenerfestival.com.For more information on this or any aspect of music and event insurance  please do not hesitate to contact Robertson Taylor - email  steven.howell@rtib.co.uk  or call 07850 708287And see  http://www.robertson-taylor.com/our-services/festivals/Robertson Taylor are the key sponsor of the Greener Festival Awards scheme and a key supporter of the work of A Greener Festival.The guidelines AGF have endorsed are these – and you need to sign up to AT LEAST 5:

  1. Undertake a carbon / greenhouse gas audit and measure greenhouse gas emissions annually and reduce greenhouse gas emissions 10% each and every year, year on year. AGF and RT can recommend the tools provided at www.juliesbicycle.com
  2. Encourage festival goers to minimise water wastage by using taps which turn off automatically when not in use and provide waste water control so that contaminated water is not poured onto the ground/floor.
  3. Provide composting toilets wherever possible and practical, but at least 25% of all toilets should be composting
  4. Minimise water use by providing toilets which re-use grey water to flush toilets
  5. Minimise water use by providing water tankers that use organic dust settling agents to spray roads reducing the need for constant re-spraying of the affected roads
  6. Ensure traders use only eco-friendly cleaning products and encourage festival fans to bring environmentally friendly products
  7. Provide standard, recycling and biodegradable bin bags for traders so that food waste, paper, glass, metals and paper/card can be recycled
  8. Allow use of only biodegradable disposables or re-usable cups and plates on stalls. Polystyrene and similar non bio-degradable materials must be banned
  9. Provide clear signage for recycling and encouraging recycling
  10. Provide separate bins for the recycling of paper, glass and food waste (compost) as a minimum and Provide a waste management facility that separates waste for recycling
  11. Supply festival goers with recycling bin bags and offer to festival goers either a returnable rubbish tax or reward incentives
  12. Give all organic waste to local farms for use as compost, or provide an on-site composting area.
  13. Provide a container return system such as re-useable beer mugs
  14. Ensure that at least 25% of the power used at the festival is supplied by sustainable power such as sustainable bio diesel and/or solar power and/or wind power
  15. Adopt environmentally friendly practices for festival traffic including the provision of public transport, car park charges, the encouragement of car shares or a charge per vehicle brought to the festival, the proceeds of which are used to subsidise cheap public transport
  16. Ensure that at least 25% of the festival vehicles on the festival site use sustainable bio diesel.

Event Live Expo 2011 tackles green issues
