Water Water Water

Stew Denny has just written a great new article  for us titled  "Sustainable water management for music festivals - The Basics" and this is up on the Information pages here (under water - obviously!). The pages come from Stew's final year dissertation at Bucks New University and for those of you who want some handy tips, this is what Stew advises:- Plan your water use! Its an important part of planning for outdoor events.- Categorise your water - is it clear, blue, grey or black water? You need to know.- Make sure you know what the law says - and always respect public health and safety- Know your event, know your audience and get a weather forecast - hot weather means increased demand!- Make sure your environmental policy and sustainability aims are known to everyone involved in the event - and let the audience know too! - Dont use twist taps which can be left running - used closed taps (taps you have to push down) or other water saving taps and devices such as nipples for hand washing- Check for leaks and have constant water pressure on-site- Avoid bottled water! Giving out one free bottle of water on entry and having water available on site is far far better- Hand santisers can save on water use - but make sure the soap is biodegradable and non-polluting- If you have showers, fit 2 minute timers. Its a festival, not a spa break - this cuts down queues too!- Flushing loos are wasteful - but grey water can be used (but take expert advice on this)- Compost toilets are usually GREAT and have a usable end product- Manage grey water - but beware of legislation and the limits on uses- Can you harvest and treat rainwater? You then get blue water - its a higher grade than grey water, has more uses and is more environmentally friendlySee more at https://agreenerfuture.com/blog/?p=2692 and on the Information pages here https://agreenerfuture.com/water.html


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