Event Safety Alliance Australia launches

This week the Event Safety Alliance Australia (ESAA) has launched, in response to the increasing need for a universal code of best practise in the live events industry.   TWith news of accidents at events increasingly common around the World, the Alliances has been formed to address these issues and the ESAA intends to bring together all the players in this diverse market – from performing arts to broadcast - to develop a truly representational voice for the Australian industry. The ESAA's founders say that the challenges of safety and emergency management that face people in the events industry are not just regional nor national, but truly international.  The ESAA says it plans to engage with professionals and other organisations worldwide to work toward providing mutual support, with the goal of developing the best solutions for the industry, wherever it operates.

For more information visit the website and register your interest go to http://www.eventsafetyalliance.org.au/mission.html and enquiries ro: media@eventsafetyalliance.org.au



Hei vihreä ihmiset! (hello green people!)