Hei vihreä ihmiset! (hello green people!)
Luke is back from Ilosaarirock in Finland and by all accounts had a fabulous time and was impressed by Ilosaarirock's green efforts. He even managed to squeeze in an interview with YLE (the Finnish state broadcaster) which you can find here: http://areena.yle.fi/tv/1617039/ - its mostly in Finnish - but Luke is in English - and either way its a great piece and well worth a watch - the section on A Greener Festival starts at 3:40ish and includes an interview with the lovely Katri Kilpiä who looks after all things green at the Festival.There's also an article online - again featuring our lovely Luke - and http://yle.fi/uutiset/festarit_haluavat_vihreiksi_-_ilosaarirock_edellakavija/6218537 - explaining that Ilosaarirock are looking to sec ure the Greener Festival Award for the second year running - they were the first Finnish festival to get the award in 2011 - and Luke was assessing the festival's environmental efforts as well as explaining that festivals are a great place to let the public know about green innovations - and festivals could swap ideas to improve environmental performances around the world.
Ilosaarirock has an active environmental for a number of years now and the festival recycles extensively (paper, carboard, metals and organic waste) and has an ethical purchasing policy: Transport has been rationalized and the event now measures its carbon dioxide emissions. Ilosaarirock have a offset scheme to help protect the endangered Great Crested Newt in North Karelia (which raised over E3000 last year), they have planted a new 'Pop Forest', and are now supporting Kuorinki Lake. And being green is clearly visible at Ilosaarirock! Producer Justin Kilpiä said the recognition from A Greener Festival is used in advertising and bring a real momentum to music fans engaging in protecting the environmental and conservation.