Green Club Index launched in Germany
The Green Club Index has been created as a response to requests from promoters who are looking for help in reducing the environmental impact of their concerts, parties and show events.
The Green Club Index is a German wide project and the aim is to reduce CO2-emmisions in Clubs. The project has been led by The Green Music Initiative (GMI) in Germany - The GMI acts as a platform coordinating the music and entertainment industry’s efforts to minimise their climate impact in Germany and CO2-reduction strategies are implemented in close cooperation with scientific institutes, stakeholders and artists, paving the way for others to follow. GMI showcases best practise with the objective to create industrywide demand for innovative and sustainable solutions – both from the climate and business point of view. The Green Music Initiative told us "We know the music and entertainment industry has global reach and can unleash imagination and passion like few other industries. It produces role models, dreams and questions which can pave the way into a low carbon future. Through exemplary actions, relevant actors can function as role models for the implementation of vital climate protection measures. This way of thinking would create demand and supply of innovative and sustainable strategies – both from climate and business points of view. The music and entertainment industry has a unique possibility – through positive examples and practical solutions – to guide society towards a more climate friendly future and help our political leaders to bring about the required global transformation. "You can find out more at and more here