Greener Arena Network - Panel Discussion @ prolight & sound 2014

Greener_Arena_LogoBig venues such as arenas and stadia have a huge demand for energy and therefore a considerable impact on the environment. Many of those venues are aware of that and have already implemented environmental management schemes through their facility management. Nonetheless there is still a large energy saving potential to be adressed by means of changing behavioral patterns that so far remained largeley untapped.In close cooperation with the EnergyAgency.NRW the Green Music Iniative launched the new"Greener Arena Network" which aims at understanding how this energy saving potentials can be adequately adressed. Together with representatives of stadia and arenas we already discussed perspectives on this approach in a first workshop in December 2013. A follow-up workshop will now be held on 3rd of April at Halle Münsterland to deepen our common understanding of the challenges, potentials and necessary next steps.More background information on the Responsible Arena Network is available on this  website.

Panel discussion at prolight & sound 2014

Thanks to GMI's partners at the prolight & sound they have again the possibility for a one-hour panel discussion within the Eventplaza Conference on Friday 14th of March. The panellists are:Michael Müller, Energieagentur NRWJacob Bilabel, Green Music InitiativeHost: Roman Dashuber, Green Music Initiative10 free tickets: GMI have a prize draw for 10 one-day tickets (Friday, 14th of March) for the prolight & sound. With this ticket you have free admission to the Eventplaza conference as well as to the fair. First come, first serve.  If you are interested please contact Roman (


GreenEvents Euope - Full Conference Report - released and free download available
